ERCC State Consumer Awareness Surveys
Consumer Awareness Survey Now Published
The Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC) has released the first study comparing state-level consumer awareness levels of electronics recycling programs as well as other important consumer preferences. Previous surveys of consumer awareness on electronics recycling have focused on a nationwide rate or on a single state. ERCC undertook the surveys in order to establish an additional measure of performance for electronics recycling programs, and to compare rates of awareness of electronics recycling options among states as well as ask other important questions. After developing a survey script with 10 standard questions on awareness, collection preference, barriers to recycling and other topics, ERCC surveyed member states who stepped forward to fund their survey costs, as well as other member and non-member states made possible by affiliate member contributions.
In all, ERCC surveyed 6 states WITHOUT electronics recycling laws and 6 states WITH electronics recycling laws at varying levels of confidence. To carry out the surveys, ERCC contracted with Service 800, a company with 20 years of experience in the design and execution of customer satisfaction measurement surveys.
A list of the states participating in the survey were as follows:
Law States
New York
Non-Law States
The consumer awareness surveys accumulated information on the following key topic areas:
Consumers’ knowledge of electronics recycling opportunities
How consumers handle electronics at end of life
Barriers to recycling used/unwanted electronics
Consumers’ knowledge of landfill bans
To read the Consumer Awareness Survey summary report in its entirety, you can find it HERE.